Drinking all life away. (12/22/89)

In the city of Temple live 
    some people who have much to give; 
Through their service,  which they bear, 
    from which they seek no rightful heir; 
Save let it be from the mirth,  a man 
    who receives from his birth; 
The terrible facts of life withheld; 
    from the men who cannot wield 
the spear of truth and rightful living 
    saving them from much forgiving; 
Yes,  they have caused their own fall, 
    through disobedience to the law. 
If we could just educate them, 
    to the harm of medication, 
    and the other harmful drugs, 
    (alchohol is one they love), 
Then maybe they would be saved 
    from a trip right to their grave 
But today, twice have they, 
    wise fools they are, 
End their lives not to far. 
One by rope,  another by car, 
    two forms of murder, suicide, 
    which almost caused, homicide. 
Oh,  if these people would only learn, 
    that it does really burn; 
    to have someone die so young, 
    when it should never have been done, 
Twenty-one,  it is a law, 
    crafted by wise-ones who saw afar. 
Adherence to it would save many 
    a lives which have been wasted. 
Bacause of avoidance 
    to the law. 
of avoidance 
    to the law.